Hey girl, love yourself first!

2 min readMar 8, 2021

First of all, Happy International Women’s Day

Love! Love yourself first!

If you want to be loved by someone else, you genuinely need to love yourself first. As long as we have fully and firstly learnt to love ourselves(unique), our hearts(beauty), our minds(powerful), and our bodies(valuable), then eventually we’ll have learnt how to be loved by others. To do that, first and foremost, accept yourself precisely as you are now.

#Do not refuse your appearance including your body and face

#Do not say words yourself like “I am ugly, I am fat, and I am unconfident”

Instead, you should say yourself more positive ones on a daily basis like:

# I have a capability to do it, I am so powerful, beauty, I am fit in shape” and so on. After saying and talking with yourself in this way, of course, your outside appearance do not altered straight out in rapid timescales. However, either your self-esteem or the way you see yourself do after a while. More and more you put it into practice, your view will be ameliorated. Moreover, it has an amazing positive effect for not only you also another one who may has lost her confidence, meaning you’d have learnt how to treat other beauty’s down the road.

Also, pay full attention to your inner side. You can find your authentic and truest desires from just there, not from out. By digging deeply about yourself, and understanding what gets you larger than moon or unhappy, then you will learn the ways to improve your moods which can be regarded as one of the methods to love yourself.

Do not underestimate your and other females’ power! Also loving yourself can help to change this aspect.

There is one tendency in an almost every society today that women tend to underestimate not only their own power but also other women’s. Unfortunately, I also used believe that women have a less power, courage, and confidence than men. Me as a woman did not want to pick up with this wrong and even adverse tendency, but somehow I had believed in it. All of those misleading thought came from the fact that I did not love myself as well as I did not authentically understand myself. After discovering it, I started working on my self-esteem and loving myself. Thanks to it, the way I see the power of women has started to shift. Woman has as exactly same power, willpower and mindset as man has. The word of “equality” also has the power to change society’s angle of view.

Please share if you have any experience to get rid of a negative thought about yourself and superseded it by positive ones?

Thank you.

